"Where friends gather"



"Where friends gather" 🍸 🍴

Big Sis Supper is an event business created created by dear friend in 2023 to celebrate their love of a great dinner party. Together they share a background in events management and a strong interest in natural wines and local food procurement. Their vision lies in fulfilling your dream party desires by crafting the perfect table while also providing the best, nyc-based caterers to suit your occasion.


The first step of our design process was building a series of moodboards to inspire the foundation of their brand identity & development

I selected the brand’s archetype a The Jester motif which symbolizes living in the moment and acknowledging the small joys in life. Focused on pursuing connection, and prioritizing fun and enjoyment felt like the appropriate ethos to define their brand identity.



I created the logo designs using hand drawn, bold, rounded lettering. This playful script calls on the connects to the brand’s themes of celebration, enjoyment and fun with a nod to dinner party symbolizing within both logo styles. Since the brand’s focuses surrounds dinner parties, I added custom symbols like a fork and knife, a candle created from the “I” in Big Sis along with a wine glass and bottle. The secondary logo design uses the same symbolism of a wine bottle flowing into the “S”.

Collateral Design





🍷 🍴 🫒 👯

Custom collateral was a big part of this process. Once their brand guidelines were established, I created custom illustrated instagram posts, along with mockup designs so they could best envision how to apply their branding.

Instagram feed design showcasing brand elements and sample stock photography that would best fit their branding. I also created illustrated posts to advertise events for their brand.